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| # __NOINDEX__
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| ^!.* <newaccountonly>
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| # Keine 2 aufeinanderfolgenden Ausrufezeichen
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| .*!!.* <newaccountonly>
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| .*''.* <newaccountonly>
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| .{44,} <newaccountonly>
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| .*[A-Z -]{5,}.* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
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| # Keine Pseudo-IP-Adressen
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| (?:[OoIl0-9]{1,3}[\p{P}:-\s\.]){3}.* <newaccountonly>
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| |
| .*[\x{0080}-\x{009F}\x{E000}-\x{F8FF}\x{FDD0}-\x{FDEF}\x{FE50}-\x{FE6F}\x{FF00}-\x{FFFF}].* <newaccountonly>
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| # Keine dieser Domain - Endungen im Namen
| |
| .*\.(?:at|ch|de|com|net|org|biz|info|mobi)$ <newaccountonly>
| |
| # Keine Funktionsaufruf-Klammern, wie z.B. in Hallo()
| |
| .*\(\).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # Kein 'Account', wie auch immer verhunzt
| |
| .*[aä][ck][ck]?[oa]?unt.* <newaccountonly>
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| # 'Admins' heissen nicht so
| |
| .*[a4]dm[il1íı]n.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # Freigehalten für Zwangsumbenennungen durch die Bürokraten:
| |
| ^[Zz]wangsumbenennung.* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
| |
| |
| # Vandalen sind wirklich unnötig
| |
| .*v[a4]nd[a4](?-i:[LlI]).* <newaccountonly>
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| # trolle auch
| |
| .*ТгоІІ.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # Socken - so benannt - auch
| |
| .*s[o0ó]cke.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # Und 'stör'er sind auch nicht so toll
| |
| .*st[Öö]r.* <newaccountonly>
| |
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| # Unerwünschte Namensbestandteile
| |
| # arschloch...
| |
| .*[aA4]r[s$]ch[lI].* <newaccountonly>
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| .*bescheu.* <newaccountonly>
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| # beleid
| |
| .*be[lI]e[iíıl]d.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # bordell
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| .*b[o0]rdell.* <newaccountonly>
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| # dildo
| |
| .*d[iíıl][lI]do.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*\ du\ .* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # endsieg
| |
| .*[Ee]ndsieg.* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
| |
| # fotze
| |
| .*[fv]otze.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # hurenso
| |
| .*hurens[oÖö].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # idiot
| |
| .*[ií1ı]d[ií1ı][o0]t.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*judenschwein.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # nazi
| |
| .*naz(?-i:[Iiíıl]).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # ?
| |
| .*NPD.* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
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| .*N\.P\.D.* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
| |
| .*PAGENAME.* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
| |
| .*pervers.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # pimmel
| |
| .*p[iíıl]mme(?-i:[LlI]).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # popp
| |
| .*p[o0]pp.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # porno
| |
| .*p[o0]rn[o0].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # prostitu
| |
| .*pr[o0óò]st[iíìı]t[uúù].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # rammel
| |
| .*ramme(?-i:[LlI]).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # randal
| |
| .*r[aá4]nd[aá4](?-i:[LlI]).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # rofl
| |
| .*r[o0óò]f(?-i:[LlI]).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # vergast, vergasen
| |
| .*vergase?[nt]\b.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # vögeln, vögelt
| |
| .*v[Ooö]ge[LlI][tn].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*zerstörung.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # zuhälter
| |
| .*zuh(?-i:[Ää][LlI])ter.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| |
| # (Mehr oder weniger vollständige) Benutzernamen
| |
| .*ach[iíıl]m.?j[Ää]ger.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*\banton.?josef\b.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*bdk.* <newaccountonly>
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| .*c[a4]sc[a4]r[ilíı].* <newaccountonly>
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| .*\bEngie\b.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*Entlinkt.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*fr[iíıl]tz(?: *(?:g\b|urin)|(?-i:G)).* <newaccountonly>
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| .*h[a4]r[a4][lI1]d.?kr[i1íı]ch.* <newaccountonly>
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| .*horn[iíıl]sm.* <newaccountonly>
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| .*[iíıl][nm]k[oö]wik.* <newaccountonly>
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| # .*\bIste\b.* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
| |
| .*jh[a4].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*mnh.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*n[Iiíıl]ck.?kna.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*Philipp.?Werlen.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*x[o0]c[o0](?-i:[LlI]?)[a4]t.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*t[o0]b(?-i:[Iiíıl])(?:[a4]s.?b[Ääa]|.?b).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*seewo(?-i:[LlI][Ff]).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*stefan64.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*[Ww][Iiíıl][Kk][Iil][Pp].* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
| |
| .*Z[iı1]pfer[li1]ak.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| |
| # Nervende Account-Ersteller einbremsen
| |
| # diesel
| |
| .*d[iíıl]e[s5]e[lI].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # donnerb
| |
| .*d[o0]nnerb.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # schüß
| |
| .*sch[Üü][sß$].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # stacheltier
| |
| .*st[a4]che(?-i:[LlI][Tt][Iiíıl])er.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # toile
| |
| .*t[o0](?-i:[Iiíıl][LlI][Ee3]).* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # WC
| |
| ^W[Cc].* <newaccountonly|casesensitive>
| |
| # guildohornist
| |
| .*guildohornis.* <newaccountonly>
| |
| |
| # sonstige Sonderzeichensuppe
| |
| .*r[o0óòОо][mМм][aАа]s[hН][eЕе]v[il][cСс][hН].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*[РрP][Ооo0óò][Мм][Ааa][Шш][Ееe][ВвB][Ии][Чч].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| # hakenkreuze
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| .*[卐卍\x{0FD5}-\x{0FD8}].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| .*es[t-][et-][e-][el-].* <newaccountonly>
| |
| |
| #
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| ^Tim Kretschmer.*
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| # Keine QS- und LK-Tagesseiten von IPs
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| Wikipedia:Qualitätssicherung\/[0-9]{1,2}\. .* [0-9]{4} <autoconfirmed>
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| Wikipedia:Löschkandidaten\/[0-9]{1,2}\. .* [0-9]{4} <autoconfirmed>
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| Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Kategorien\/Diskussionen\/[0-9]{4}\/.*\/[0-9]{1,2} <autoconfirmed>
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| # GENERISCHE DATEINAMEN (mit [[MediaWiki:titleblacklist-custom-imagename|eigener Fehlermeldung]])
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| # kopiert von [[:en:MediaWiki:Titleblacklist]]
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| # [[Spezial:Permalink/85070117#Präventivsperren für leere Seiten?|Diskussion dazu]]
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| # at most three letters of potentially meaningful text:
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| Datei:\P{L}*((Ima?ge?|Pict?(ure)?|Media|Photo)\P{L}+)?(\p{L}\P{L}*){0,3}((orig|copy|thumb|small)\P{L}*)?\.[^.]+ <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename>
| |
| # no more than two contiguous letters (raising to three would be tempting, but needs more testing):
| |
| Datei:\P{L}*((Ima?ge?|Pict?(ure)?|Media|Photo)[^\p{L}\p{M}]\P{L}*)?((\p{L}\p{M}*){1,2}[^\p{L}\p{M}]\P{L}*)*((orig|copy|thumb|small)\P{L}*|(\p{L}\p{M}*){1,2})?\.[^.]+ <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename>
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| # month name followed by no more than two contiguous letters, JPEG suffix (be careful if you edit this, easy to trigger false positives):
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| Datei:\P{L}*(January|Jan|February|Febr?|March|Mar|April|Apr|May|June?|July?|August|Aug|September|Sept?|October|Oct|November|Nov|December|Dec)(\P{L}+\p{L}{1,2})*\P{L}*\.JPE?G <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename>
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| Datei:Bild.\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Bild nnnn.jpg
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| # See also [[MediaWiki:Filename-prefix-blacklist]], used to generate a warning on the upload form
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| Datei:DCP\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Kodak
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| Datei:DSC.\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # [[Design rule for Camera File system]] (Nikon, Fuji, Polaroid)
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| Datei:MVC-?\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Sony Mavica
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| Datei:P[\dA-F]\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Olympus, Kodak
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| Datei:I?MG[P_]?\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Canon, Pentax
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| Datei:1\d+-\d+(_IMG)?\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Canon
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| Datei:(IM|EX)\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # HP Photosmart
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| Datei:DC\d+[SML]\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Kodak
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| Datei:PIC[T_]?\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Minolta
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| Datei:PANA\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Panasonic
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| Datei:DUW\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # some mobile phones
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| Datei:CIMG\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Casio
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| Datei:JD\d+\.JPG <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Jenoptik
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| # Other common patterns
| |
| Datei:\d{9}[A-Z]{6}_[A-Z]{2}\P{L}*\.\w+ <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # some image hosting site?
| |
| Datei:\d+_[\da-f]+(_[a-z])?\P{L}*\.\w+ <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Flickr; see http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.urls.html
| |
| # Datei:(\d{9,10}[A-Z])+[A-Z]?\.\w+ <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # yet another image hosting site? (redundant to "no more than two contiguous letters")
| |
| Datei:([\dA-F]{8}-)?[\dA-F]{4}-[\dA-F]{4}-[\dA-F]{4}-?[\dA-F]{12}.* <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # UUID (with some variations included)
| |
| Datei:([SML]|\d+)_[\dA-F]{10,}(-\d+-|_?(\w\w?|full))?\.[^.]+ <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # L_9173c67eae58edc35ba7f2df08a7d5c6.jpg, 1_bf38bcd9c5512a5ab99ca2219a4b1e2f_full.gif, etc.
| |
| Datei:\P{L}*No\P{L}*name\P{L}*\.[^.]+ <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # Noname2.jpg
| |
| Datei:AT[AEIMQUYcgkosw048]AAA[A-D][-_A-Za-z0-9]+\.jpg <reupload | errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename> # see [[commons:Commons:Village pump#File ATgAAA...]]
| |
| # Only numbers in the filename
| |
| Datei:\d+\.\w+ <reupload|errmsg=titleblacklist-custom-imagename>
| |